Best Places to Fish in North America

Grab your fishing gear, your fishing beer, and the bros nearest and dearest to your heart because it’s time to hit the waters to catch us some of them scaly bad boys we call fish. As a seasoned fisher I’ve seen it all, caught it all, and rode it all, so I thought it would only be right for me to share the top 5 places to fish this year with you! You have my personal guarantee that every spot on this list will catch you the biggest, fattest, largest, and scaliest fish.


5. Chester Frost Park – Chattanooga, TN 

This is a great little spot that always has a “surprise” in store for “you”. 


4. The Shedd Aquarium – Chicago, IL

Ask for Jonathan while visiting during business hours. He’ll give you the day’s after-hours security code and you can fish ‘til your heart’s content.


3. The North Baltic Sea – Baltic Sea

It’s the North Baltic, what more do I need to say?


2. Tigris River – Baghdad, Iraq

Make sure you bring some extra sunscreen for this fishing hotspot! Take the boys with you and make a day out of it because you’re in for a successful day of fishing!


1. Travis’s Backyard – Travis’s Mom’s House

Nothing beats Travis’s Backyard when it comes to a quality day fishing. The consistent biting of a variety of fish, the comfortable atmosphere, and Travis’s mom constantly bringing you beers makes Travis’s Backyard not only my number 1 best place to fish in 2021 but my number 1 best place forever. 


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