Best Characters in Advertising


5. BIC Boy

Don’t ask too many questions. Nobody knows what he/her/it can truly do.

Bic Boy.png

4. Chuck E. Cheese

The absolute balls it takes to make a literal giant rat as the mascot of a food and arcade center for children is worthy of whatever award there is. Whatever the marketing department was on back in the 70’s when pitching this idea should be a required prescription for anyone who does creative work, is looking to make money, or is low in confidence. Absolutely unbelievable levels of confidence went into the creation of this rat. 

CHuck E. Cheese.png

3. Crazy Frog

Is he an advertising character? Idk but I love him to bits.

crazy frog.png

2. Little Caesar

He’s Julius Caesar and he’s small! Are you serious?!?! WTF I love this! Are you seeing this right now?!?!?! Also, the man is all about pizza in every way, to the point where he REFUSES TO COMMUNICATE WITH ANY FORM OF COMPRHENSIVE LANGUAGE and only uses the English word “Pizza”. TELL ME you are seeing this right now!! One to watch out for.

Little Caesar.png

1. Finn the Goldfish

An outlandish being in every sense. A cracker-based flying fish creature who can reach a top speed of Mach 3 and has an entire army of golden cracker soldiers at his disposal. He’s toppled governments, crumpled entire civilizations over the course of a weekend, and does it all with a smile on his face. 

Finn the Goldfish.png

Best Places to Fish in North America


Real Biographies: Elon Musk