Man Secures No New Tech in 2020

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Local white man, Chiles McGurdy, has secured no new tech in 2020. From the RTX 3080 to the RTX 3070, the PS5, and even a new Xbox One Series X Digital, he has struck out every time he’s tried to add something to his cart. Chiles just wanted to treat himself to one fun piece of tech this year. He’s not hard to please; he pays his taxes, drives the speed limit, picks up litter, and keeps to himself. 2020 has not been Chile’s best year, just like many others, so when 2020’s new tech season was arriving he decided it was about time he did a little something for himself and splurge on something exciting. 

“I’ve been working from home since March, saving money on gas and movies because I’m not going out during this time because I want to be responsible, you know? I figured I would do something for me because it’s been awhile since I’ve done something for myself, and I wanted to buy some new tech for my gaming rig or pick up a new console or something,” said Chiles right before spilling his water during our Zoom call.

Little did Chiles know that picking up this year’s newest consoles or graphics cards was going to be a tougher challenge than he thought. Against an army of scalpers and a small number of actual customers, Chiles stood no chance. He thought that the RTX 3080 release was a fluke, as he had never tried to get a launch day card or console before, so he decided to just pick up an RTX 3070 instead.

He continued after throwing away some soggy napkins, “I’m not picky you know, I would’ve been happy with either card.”

Little did Chiles know, his chances of getting a 3070 were about as small as his social circle was before the pandemic. However, Chiles still has a friend that plays on consoles, and he has been wanting to try some recent console exclusives since he has not had a new gaming console since the Xbox 360 and his roommate’s Nintendo Switch. 

“I was actually hoping to maybe get a PS5 next year, but since I still had some extra cash laying around, I figured ‘Why not?’ and made the decision to treat myself for once! But yeah, no, they were all sold out before I even checked,” he said while reading a text message on his iPhone 7. 

“But it’s okay, tomorrow that Game and Watch clock thing comes out and it sounds pretty fun, so I’m going to get one of those on my lunch break,” Chiles continued while still not understanding the devastation that is going to come to him when he walks into his local Best Buy tomorrow around 1:30 PM.

We here at memestudium hope for Chiles’s sake that he is quicker during the restocks. 


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