Man with 4 Grey Hoodies Buys Another Grey Hoodie

Local white man, myself, has purchased another grey hoodie. 

“I may have already bought many other grey hoodies, but I wanted this one as well,” said myself.

I continued, “grey hoodies are just comfortable in terms of, like, comfort and decision-making because all I gotta do is be like ‘alright what pants do I have that are clean and within reach?’, and then boom, grey hoodie and I’m on my way!”

“While this new grey hoodie is good, I’ll never forget my other grey hoodies that have held it down for forever,” I elaborated with much infatuation.

“I love these hoodies, but honestly, these are just the hoodies that fit the criteria of the story,” I explained while getting closer to breaking the fourth wall.

Another quote following this statement to move the story along: “Here’s my grey sweaters, windbreaker, hooded jacket, and the grey hoodie that my girlfriend legally stole from me.”

“Aside from buying this new grey hoodie, I will also be ending my story here.” 

And now, you must read more on or else I will sneak into your room at night, breath so heavily over-top of you that condensation begins to collect on your eyelashes, and then steal all your grey hoodies.


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