Ridley Scott Introduces NEW “Alien” Creature
Ridley Scott has announced an exciting new piece of lore for the Alien Universe. Everyone knows the “Chestburster”, but now excited fans of the Alien film franchise can welcome the “Penisburster”! Well, I guess you don’t need to welcome the Penisburster, because technically the Penisburster has been here all along, making its soft debut in the original Alien film back in 1979.
“If you look very closely to the back right during beginning of the egg scene when Kane walks into the room you can see the Penisburster’s (technically an unborn Anushugger) egg nestled firmly in the back”, says Ridley Scott in his recent interview on the new Vice Kids channel.
Ridley continues “It was always my intention to make the Penisburster’s existence clear, but due to studio and societal pressures, I was not able to make this dream a reality. We now live in a much different world, a world where a Penisburster can not only exist but be celebrated!”
When Vice Kids asked why the Penisburster was created in the first place Ridley explains, “Well, just imagine an alien bursted out of your dick. That would be pretty frightening because you would be like ‘my dick is gone and it’s due to an alien bursting out of my dick’. That fear that many of us men hold was my inspiration for the creature.”
Ridley is not sure if the Penisburster will ever make its way to the big screen, but should he ever get his hands around another Alien project, he said the Penisburster will for sure be coming.
Since the world has yet to see a Penisburster, we here at Memestudium thought it would be fun to commission an artist to draw one, so here is that drawing.
Artist Rendition of a “Penisburster” (2020)
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