General Electric Announces Waterproof Electricity

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The electricity industry will never be the same. General Electric has recently unveiled their waterproof electricity, “Wetricity”, during their presentation showcase at the 2020 Electricity Convention. 

“Wetricity is going to change the way we use electricity, especially in the water,” said Buzz Jones, newly appointed CEO of GE and son of electricity mogul Zap Jones.

“Water has long been a problem for the electrons or whatever, so we wanted to change that; thus Wetricity, we made it,” he continued in his now infamous presentation.

After the show, we were able to speak with Buzz Jones for one of his first media interviews.

Memestudium: How does it work?

Buzz Jones: Waterproof electrons.

ME: What was the process like to create waterproof electrons?

BJ: Umm through a process of stimulation and electrification and waterfication.

ME: What do you hope to achieve with Wetricity?

BJ: Probably just electricity in water.

ME: So, it can flow in a controlled state while submerged in water?

BJ: Yes.

ME: What is next for Wetricity and GE?

BJ: SeaWorld, the ocean, and maybe some lakes. We’d like people to be able to get electricity in all of those places.

ME: Anything else you would like people to know about Wetricity?

BJ: Nope. 

End of interview.

Industry insiders are expecting Wetricity to be the next great thing in energy innovation. You can expect Wetricity to swim its way into the market within the next couple of months. SeaWorld, boat captains, and those lost at sea can look forward to enjoying their great American electricity anywhere thanks to Wetricity.


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